: +91-9917521104

Rules For Admission

1. To make firm of the right faith and to lead the nation to the right Islamic ideas and the religious awareness.
2. To produce Islamic books, religious pamphlets and the convocational, cultural, literary and to publish Ulama-e-Haq’s books.
3. To produce Ulama who are aware of modern education and new age with the wide and deep knowledge of Qur’an and Sunnah. And they are aware of bends and curves of age.
4. To give the religious knowledge to the modern educated and to whom who are passed out from high schools or inter. And make the girls aware of religious knowledge in a respective way by a special course.
5. To establish Islamic hospitals for poor students and poor people to be cured with free of cost and satisfactory.
6. To establish religious schools and Masajid
7. To manage water for the poor and to dig out the hand pump and tube well
8. To give a retort to Orientals who malign Islam. And to prove that Islam is able to lead in every age and everywhere
9. To promote national unity and Islamic brotherhood and to ruin the mischief of quarrel with each other
10. To prevent the Muslim to be impressed with western society and material powers
11. To compete non-believers and to present Islamic message before them
12. To call non-believing towards Islam and to tell them that Islam was sent down to all mankind as blessing. And to present the message of humanism
13. To gather Indian and foreign countries’ great Ulama and intellectuals at least once in a year to make an emphatic plan for preaching and propagation
14. To solve the nation’s problems and to make a rule of procedure for the Muslim to be developed with Islamic ideas